Move a Pyramid card onto a Pyramid card that it is covering.Exactly like with the stock card you can either drag one card onto the other, or first click on one and then click on the other. Both the Pyramid cards must be available, not covered by any other card for this to work. Move a Pyramid card onto another Pyramid card.The Pyramid card must be available for this to work, it can't be covered by any Pyramid card from a lower row. Both do the same thing, you just click or drag depending on what you like better. You can either drag the top card of the Waste onto a Pyramid card to remove both of them, or you can first click the Waste card and then click the Pyramid card. Move the top card of the Waste onto an open Pyramid card.You move cards from the Stock onto the Waste by clicking on the top card of the Stock. Flip cards from the Stock onto the Waste.In the beginning of the game all the cards in the bottom row of the Pyramid are available, then slowly the cards in the upper rows become available as you remove more of the cards in the lower rows. The cards that are available are any card on the Pyramid that have no other cards covering them, and the top card on the Waste pile. The purpose of the game is to match cards together so their ranks equal 13. Hearts card game free download - Hearts, GrassGames' Hearts, Hardwood Hearts, and many more programs.Available instantly on compatible devices. 1-16 of over 10,000 results for 'Free Hearts Game' Hearts.Examples include - sounds, informative scoreboard, choice of card sizes, expandable card design folder, support for plugin-CPUs, rules options, aesthetic options, as well as game-state information such as statistics and a last-trick window. The features and customizations in Hearts are numerous. Hearts Card Game is an advanced and customizable card game. Solitaite Forever looks great with 3D graphics and animations. Solitaire Forever is another huge compendium of card games with 150 to choose from including Freecell. To unlock all of the games and packs of cards, you must purchase them in-game for $4.99 which also includes animated backgrounds.