
Zibo 737 max download
Zibo 737 max download

zibo 737 max download

list of custom datarefs (B738_Datarefs.txt)įMOD 5.1 sounds by AudioBirdXP (include full package) list of custom commands (B738_Commands.txt) add lower display unit: engine, systems weather radar (limited for one ND at same time)

zibo 737 max download

real size navaids, fixes, airports and waypoints ND (independent for captain and first officer) flashing "A" on MCP speed, if MCP speed dial is under minimal maneuver flaps speed limit flashing "8" on MCP speed, if MCP speed dial is above flaps, landing gear or Vmo speed limits add annunciates ARM, N1, RETARD, FLARE, VNAV PTH, VNAV ALT, VNAV SPD, SINGLE CH, LAND3 annunciates with rectangle for engaged pitch, roll and speed modes flaps and landing gear retract speed limits FMC for captain and first officer (still in development) electric systems with buses: AC/DC ,AC/DC Standby pressurisation system - modes: AUTO, ALTN, MAN APU start with stabilize and shutdown with cooling cycle gear leveler position Down, Up, Off and emergency landing gear leveler (behind first officer on the floor)

zibo 737 max download

engine idle rpm N1 logic: ground, flight and approach engine starter modes: GRD, AUTO, CNT, FLT speedbrakes system with logic after RTO and landing hydraulic systems: hyd A, hyd B, Standby hyd and pumps (hydr and elec) windows heat for every window (L/R windshield, L/R side window) with simply windshield effects (rain, freeze) air bleed: ENG1, ENG2, APU, LPACK, RPACK, ISOLATION VALVE IRS systems modes: OFF, ALLIGN, NAV, ATT autothrottle modes: N1, SPEED, TAKEOFF, A/P GA, F/D GA autopilot modes: LVL CHG, VNAV, LNAV, HDG, VOR/LOC, APP, ALT HLD, VS, IAN, AUTOLAND Install notes and links are on bottom page. And thanks to our test pilots (real pilots) Jorge, Jannubiola and DannyV. And thanks to amazing sound, models and textures for this plane, TerrainRadar plugin with drawing distance circle for FIXs (green dashed circle) and Vertical situation on ND, and great video tutorials. Thanks to others for help with test and improved plane. Special thanks to all team of Laminar Research (for default XLUA plugin too). This plane is free and it will be always free. This moded aircraft shows what are the possibilities of this plugin and Xplane 11. You don't need extra 3rd plugin, only X-Plane 11.

Zibo 737 max download